Saturday, October 2, 2010

Constitutional Convention

In an earlier post, I mentioned a Constitutional Convention. Here
is an argument against it via YouTube.

It is not quite persuasive. The series of four videos outline the pitfalls
of a "con-con", but in the end, it is all governed by the same principle.
That is, "We the People" decide. If the people don't want nor need
the constitution anymore, nothing will stop it from being destroyed.
On the other hand, if an entity attempts to usurp the constitution
against the will of the people, then it will not succeed. Either you
believe this or you don't. If you can't trust the people, what can you

It is my opinion that something must be done about the steady
encroachment of the federal government upon the liberties of the
people. If a con-con is not the answer, then what is? The same
thing that we have been doing all along? Isn't that what has brought
us to this point?

The federal government won't reform itself. Someone or something
must do it. Either "We the People" will do it, or some other entity
will. You pay your money and you take your chances.

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