Thursday, February 28, 2019


This is said to be one of the best of the Star Trek episodes.

Why is that the case?  Could it be that people are intrigued by the possibility of understanding what seems beyond comprehension?  Or is it like the study of an alien culture for its secrets?

This could generalize down to our current situation vis-a-vis our adversaries in contemporary life.  How do you get to people who don't seem to understand?

At some point, you may have to decide that there isn't any way to reach an understanding, and just proceed from there.  This generally means conflict of some kind, or at best, avoidance.

Avoidance may be the only way to prevent violence, when the other side will not be reasonable.  If the other side won't go away, then you just might have to make them go away.  What that would mean is the other side had better back off, or there will be trouble.

It seems to me that moral judgments have been made.  It is hard to reason with people when they think you are evil--- and vice versa.

Know what I mean, Vern?

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