Friday, August 16, 2019

Obligatory, 8.16.19

In the summer around here, if you want to do anything outside, you'd better do it early.  Temperatures get hot fast.  It's been over 100 consistently lately.

There have been a number of experiments over the last few months.  Not much mention here that I can recall at the moment.

Weeds are a problem as well as bugs.  I've tried a number of tactics to attack both.  As for the weeds, there is a vinegar and salt solution that seems to put the hurt on 'em.  The ants are being controlled with a mixture of roach powder ( boron compound ) and pancake syrup.  The ants are attracted to the sweet syrupy mixture, but it is deadly to them. The idea is to make baits that will poison the colony.  It seems to help, but I still got a few.

Once it gets too hot to work outside, I play around with the computer.  All the while, I am trying to minimize the use of the a/c.  This year, I am using the a/c more.  Probably too lazy to keep filling up the swamp cooler.  Yet, there is room to experiment with this too.  The a/c pulls the humidity out of the air that the cooler puts in.  Both can work together to minimize the use of electricity and water.  Or, at least that is the idea.

When I am not fooling around with the off-grid type experiments, I experiment with the video editor that comes with this version of Windows 10.  Just this morning, I made another video.  It hasn't been uploaded to YouTube, though.  Don't know if I'll do that.  It isn't anything new, just a variation on a theme.

Nothing much is going on.  Too hot around here.

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