Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The big trouble with the left-wingers

Isn't so much that they are mean, is that the GOP's preferred response is to be too damned nice.

To illustrate: let's start with a hypothetical.  Say one guy punches another guy so hard that he knocks out some teeth.  Then he says to his victim, "Hey, I didn't mean to hit you that hard!  Sorry!"  The correct response from the guy who just lost some teeth, shouldn't be:  "Oh, okay, that's all right!  A missing tooth here and there, what does that matter between friends?"  At the very least, the guy just brutalized shouldn't pretend that he is dealing with a friend.  He shouldn't minimize what was done to him, either.  On the other hand, he shouldn't shoot the bad guy, but if he had left the bad guy with the impression that he could and would under the right circumstances, it might have prevented the brutality.

There just seems to be some unwritten rule amongst the GOP that they have to be so damned nice about everything all the time.  New rules are in order.

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