Saturday, June 29, 2013

I've seen enough of the Zimmerman trial

No more comments after this one.

Frankly, I'm getting a bit impatient with the whole thing.  I spent a bit more time than I should listening to "Dee Dee" and her mumble fest.

Look, I know what some people might be thinking.  That I am against the black man.  Wrong.  What inspires my impatience is that this really isn't a white-man black-man thing with me.  To the extent that the white folks are letting themselves get dragged into this thing, then that is the extent of the white-black aspect of it.  But the event itself had nothing to do with the white man.  As a white man, I've been dragged into this far enough.

So, here's the thing as I see it.  What we don't know is the truth of what happened.  The one and only person who knows exactly what happened that night is George Zimmerman.  Anybody else who's testifying only saw parts of the event, or not at all.  There are those who heard things, but that isn't entirely clear either.  The night was dark.  Even if someone was there watching the whole thing from start to finish may have missed something important because it was dark.

No.  Witnesses can only get you so far.  In order to get as close as you can get to the truth, you need to hear from Zimmerman.  He has the right to refuse to go on the stand, or refuse to answer questions.  But to me, that doesn't make him look innocent.  It makes it look like he's hiding something.

My bottom line is that he goes on the stand.  The rest is inconclusive.  The white man has no dog in this hunt.

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