Thursday, August 8, 2024

Quickie post, 8/8/24

It struck me that those who prefer our current form of government, which is supposedly one that is limited in scope and power, tend to run their elections in terms of ideas put forth in the hopes of persuasion.

On the other side of the coin, those who prefer an all powerful state tend to run their campaigns on collecting the most votes. CTH has written a lot on those distinctions. Perhaps it has finally sunk in with yours truly.

What does that mean? It means that while we preach to the choir, the Democrats are out there trying to get as many votes as they can find. That will also mean that they will import illegals and get them registered to vote. It means that they will create as many ballots as possible, no matter how illegal it may well be.

This is how they win even though their ideas are really very, very bad. For Democrats, the ideas are just the prop. The real thing is how many votes they can manufacture out of the clear blue sky.

It is almost inconceivable that the public would actually choose these clowns as leaders. But maybe the public really isn't choosing them. If the Democrats can manufacture enough votes, no matter how illegal it is, they can claim victory.

Meanwhile, we all preach to each other trying to convince the already convinced. It seems that we should reconsider our strategies. You'd think?


Here's an example for ya. By the way, we on the so-called right will read this, but what will we DO about it?

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