Saturday, August 7, 2021

It's a war

With respect to the Covid thing, there are a number of ways to look at it. The way I look at it is that it isn't about public health, it is about politics. War is another form of politics, so to take this another step along that line of thinking, covid is just another way of waging war. Those who are using covid, are using covid as a war tactic. The objective is a political objective, just like any other war. If there is a public health benefit in there somewhere, it is merely incidental.

As Sun Tzu once said, warfare requires deception. Whenever there is deception, there is bound to be an aggression either in progress, or on its way. The way to peace is through truth telling. The way to war is deception and aggression. Those who are exploiting covid are on the later path, not the former. Deception causes mistrust, truth enables trust. If there is no trust, how can there be peace amongst us? Those who use this for political gain are not waging peace, but waging war. In all wars, there are going to be dead bodies. Truth is the first casualty in war, as the saying goes. If the lies start, the body counts become inevitable.

There will be a lot of finger-pointing. Truth telling doesn't point fingers away, but towards the self. If you want peace, you figure out what you are doing wrong first before you start pointing fingers in another direction. If you are honest, you would admit what you did that made the situation go downhill. If violence be our lot, the ones who will start it will be the ones who are blaming it on the other guy. Anybody who does that is suspect of being the true culprit of this trouble making.

I'd like to point fingers myself, and I have. But I'd rather not add to the noise any more than I have to. Unfortunately, the noise is going to be there. It may be unavoidable.

If science is about seeking truth, then that is where the effort should be. It should not be a magic weapon to wield against those that disagree with you. Science isn't a magic word. It is a definite process. If you want the truth, you will follow that process. Otherwise, even though you may use the word, you only use the word as a weapon of war to subdue the enemy. The use of that word --- science, must be sincere. Otherwise, it is just a war tactic.

I have long stated that one of the problems of these days is the lack of respect for the truth. That's what we have here with this covid situation. Like all wars, there will be a winner and there will be a loser. The thing I am hoping for is that the right side wins. Those who push this for personal gain are suspect. This really is a war, but the objective should be the truth of the matter. If the truth wins, we all win. The bad guys lose, the good guys win. But who is that?

If the real enemy is the virus, and not each other, you must first start with the truth. There is a way to get to the truth with regards to this virus. There are those who say that there has never been any isolation of this virus. That would have been a good start, if it was actually done. But if there really was no isolation of that virus, we are still in the woods. We won't come out of the woods without some basic facts getting established, and the way that it gets established cannot be questioned. A good start would be to isolate that virus, assuming that it actually exists.

There are standards to be followed. There is a process that can be followed that will yield results that can be trusted. Why not follow those? What I am seeing and hearing is that this process is not being followed, and that is why I don't trust these people. I will take this as evidence that there are those who wish to use this situation as an opportunity to gain advantage. This is also very suspicious and leads to even greater mistrust. The cycle won't be broken until such time that the truth is respected and adhered to at all times.

I am not satisfied that this is happening, and that is why I think this is a war being waged by one group against another.

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