Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Industrial sized Gaslighting


Man, this stuff keeps rolling in. I may have to do a blog-a-thon to keep up with it. Via Instapundit, I found another one of these stories that begs a response. There is one, but this one has got to mention a few things that people may not have considered.

Trump compared to Jim Jones of 'drinking-the-Kool-Aid" infamy.

I've mentioned before that I once commented in the lefty blog known as Mahablog. But I won't link to it here because the leftism is becoming very dangerous, and I just won't even go there anymore. But that's not the point. The point is that the author accused ME of "drinking the Kool-Aid". I link this up to this Brian Stelter gambit, and think it might be one of the leftist plays in their bag of trick plays. It's gaslighting. It's calling you crazy for opposing them. The Soviet Union did stuff like that. They gave people injections for their "insanity". These injections scrambled their brains. Soviet disidents were given non-invasive lobotomies. It was like a state-sponsored "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".

As for following a cult, let's look at Kamala Harris, shall we? Did you know that her sponsor was Willie Brown, who was connected to the real Jim Jones cult? Did you KNOW THAT? Careful about throwing stones there, Stelter. Your side lives in a glass house.

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest Ending ( lobotomy )

The Soviet Union was likened to living in a cage. Just saying something like that would get you in trouble. Informers were everywhere in the Soviet Union. Even the slightest criticism of the regime would get you in the Gulag, or a "lobotomy". Do we really want that in America?

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