Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Logan's Run

If you are an oldtimer, you may remember this movie. It may be on cable or dish these days, but since I don't have these services, I can't say.

The thing that I'd like to mention here is that we may be living in a time in which people can be killed legally. The state already encourages abortion. People in New York made Cuomo into a hero for putting sick people in with old folks. This certainly didn't do the older folks any good, but it was for our "own good", or so they say. I don't trust these people. Know what I mean, Vern?

The same kind of ideas that the movie showcases is the same kinds of ideas that radical greenie weenies like. This could easily turn into a Logan's Run scenario. People will be killed off for the good of the rest. Maybe it won't go as far as Soylent Green, but who knows?

Soylent Green fed dead human flesh to people and called it food. Nobody knew they were eating other people. The authorities didn't want people to know what was going on. Seems a lot like a totalitarian regime trick. Maybe they'd have done it in the Soviet Union if it were still around. Don't laugh. They raided graveyards for flesh during the War. Sounds pretty sickening, but desperate people may do desperate things.

The kinds of things being done today in the name of public good could result in such scenarios happening in modern times. Don't be too sure that it couldn't.

There's evidence that the covid jab is something that may not be what it is hyped up into being. If it turns out to be a killer, it will be like Soylent Green or Logan's Run. Something that will kill you, but be billed as something for your own good. It doesn't foster trust to have censorship that will hide what it is really doing, and misrepresenting it as a public health necessity. Lies are a necessity for war-making. Are they waging war on the public?

A cold-blooded murderer isn't going to tip off what his true intentions are. You may want to defend yourself and stop him. Think about it.

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