Thursday, August 5, 2021

Joe Scarborough

This guy may be nothing more than an opportunist. I was wondering about him, so I did a little research on him.

This guy was a former Congressman from the panhandle region of Florida. The same district as Gaetz. Evidently the district is fairly conservative. But what happened to the guy?

There are those who swear up and down that they are conservative, but line up with the commies. Without these, the commies slim majority would be even slimmer. The only reason that the commies can do anything at all these days is that guys like this are splitting the party and making it weaker.

No question that Scarborough has flipped. He changed his affiliation from Republican to Independent. Supposedly he did this in response to Trump. But that excuse doesn't convince me at all. Even commies themselves don't believe that Trump colluded with the Russians. There was no "there" there, remember? He compares Trump with Putin, but it was Biden who violated the Constitution this past week. He doesn't come off as highly principled as he may be pretending to be. I don't know what he does today because I don't watch his show, but I do know he made a big switch.

Scarborough was with Newt Gingrich's Contract with America group. He may even have voted to impeach Slick Willie. How does someone make a 180 like he's doing? There are those who might say that they haven't made a 180 and still are conservative. Maybe they are like George Will and Peggy Noonan. But you don't aid and comfort commies and still claim that you are conservative. That just isn't plausible.

What is more plausible is that the guy just goes where the opportunity seems best for him. He decided to leave the GOP when Trump became president because he may be nothing more than an opportunist. Perhaps he doesn't see a future in the GOP, so that's why he left the party.

But guys like him who can do a 180 could not have been sincere in the first place. One doesn't make that big of a change if the sincerity is there. What caused him to flip? Money maybe?

Countries can survive their enemies on the outside, but the ones on the inside are the greatest threat. I don't believe this guy's pose. If there was anyone at all who should be appalled at the way the country is going, it is the true conservatives. Not the fakes.

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