Friday, August 6, 2021

What's in a name? A turd by any other name still stinks.

Paul Craig Roberts: They killed people for vaccine profits.


There are those who might say: This isn't communism, it is capitalism. You can have endless arguments about what capitalism is, and what communism is. When I call them communists, it is because of their tactics. Their tactics are aggressive lying, propaganda, and coercion.

Then you might say that it is fascism. It may well fit the dictionary definition of fascism, but according to the communists, fascism is the last stage of a failing capitalism. It's what communists say themselves. Should we embrace communism then? What? Are you insane?

As the previous post with Jordan Peterson shows, there are plenty of those in academic circles who admired Soviet communism. But not many actually moved there and tried to live in such a society. Not many go to Venezuela or Cuba today in order to live. But they sure would love to import that rotten system to our country.

The amount of deceit today is mind-boggling. If it were Trump in office now, they'd be impeaching him for THIS. Instead, it is Biden, and he's is going to try to mandate it for the entire country. Watch and see.

The hyper-politicization of all issues invariably redound to the benefit of communists. That's why it is happening that way. If it really were about public health, and not politics, the covid situation would be under control. That's part of what Roberts is saying. These people are distorting truth to push a political agenda---the public health be damned.

Call it by whatever name you wish, but the commies did it in the Soviet Union until Reagan defeated them. Time to do it again.

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