Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Where is the GOP


This is pretty tough. It may be hard for somebody conservative or Republican to read this. But as I listen to Bongino, I wonder why the hell is it that he doesn't focus his ire on the GOP?

It may well be that the commies are responsible for all of this covid hysteria, but where are the Republicans in pushing back against this? I realize that DeSantis is doing it. Maybe a bit more from Gov. Abbot. Sen. Paul is doing some good stuff. But, by and large, the GOP is very, very passive about this gathering tyranny. As a party, they don't stand as one against the fear-mongering coming from the commies.

Are we going to let the commies lock us down like they are doing in Australia?

Listening to Bongino makes me mad. Somebody could get a stroke listening to this crap. But where are our representatives? Why aren't they pushing back against this? I'd rather hear what THEY are doing to fight back against this.

The lockdowns seem to discriminate only against the white folks, in case you haven't noticed. The Southern border is wide open, but nobody is concerned about that, as Bongino notes. But nobody from Europe can come here by golly. No whiteys allowed.

This is infernal. But worst of all, those who we turn to for representation are failing us miserably. That's where we should be looking for redress. You aren't going to get it from the commies.

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