Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The beatings will continue until morale improves

On Bongino's show today, he is saying "the beatings will continue until morale improves". He goes on to say that the liberal media will not hold the liberals accountable for their bad policies. The bad policies lead to bad outcomes, and the left tries to blame it on somebody else ( meaning the GOP) when it is really their own fault. The media never holds them accountable, so the people suffer. Hence, the "beatings" that people have to take because there is no accountability.

So, here's my take on this. Of course, Bongino is correct. Bongino won't hold the Establishment accountable though. Neither do the voters. It is the Establishment GOP that enables these policies that the Democrats don't get held accountable for. For some strange reason, the Establishment GOP keeps getting into power all too many times. They have a lot of nerve to insist upon trying again. They have even more nerve to blame MAGA voters for bad outcomes.

The use of the term "right" ( here I go again), just plays into that. In using this Marxist terminology, the GOP always has an "out". They can always say: It's those "other guys". Problem is, the GOP doesn't do much to stop the Democrats. If they try, they get labelled "extremist". Attach the word "right" to "extremist", and you get the fascist label. Brandon can say whatever he wants, but he called Trump voters "semi-fascist". He did do that. But in refusing to oppose Democrats, they are captured by Democrats. It is almost as if they have Stockholm Syndrome, where the captured start identifying with the captors. Does that sound familiar? Cheney could be a Democrat with the way she talks nowadays. Same with a lot of these folks on the Establishment side. But Trump is vilified because he fights back. Somehow, it just isn't "nice" to talk back at the Democrats.

All of a sudden, nobody can fight back. You know what happened before. There was this guy named Goldwater, and he tried that. But he lost the election by a landslide because he was ready to blow up the world. ( So the ad seemed to claim with the mushroom cloud.) "In your heart, you know he's right", said the Goldwater Ads. But the response was "In your guts, you know he's nuts." When Reagan came along, Gerald Ford said America wouldn't elect such a conservative candidate. But Ford was wrong. Reagan DID fight back. Watch some of his speeches on video. He fought back. Don't believe that it was all smiles and goodie-two-shoes. There was steel to that guy.

We don't have accountability because there's nobody holding the Democrats accountable for their bad policies. The Establishment hides behind the "extremist" defense. But they are refusing to engage the Democrats in some honest policy debate. Instead, they hop on the Democrat bandwagon, and try to destroy a guy who really is. That would be Trump. It would also be Goldwater.

Trump is too abrasive they say. It's just another excuse. If there's one thing that this country still produces, and that is a mountain of excuses.

Democracy means holding the people in charge accountable. If there's no accountability at the ballot box, then how can there be any "democracy"?

There wasn't a democracy in ancient Rome. If the legions lost, they'd practice "decimation". One in ten of the soldiers would be killed. Beatings would ensue until morale improved. Do people really want that to happen here and now? It is happening because people are actually willing to vote for people who are destroying their lives.

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