Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Bongino Show, episode 1845, 9-6-22

"War on MAGA" lefty video

If Brandon's speech about "semi-fascists" isn't what he meant, then what does this video mean? At about 41 minutes into the Bongino's video, Roland Marvin says that they are at war with the people who have allowed Trump into their homes. That would mean MAGA Republicans, would it not? He says that WE are evil and this means war. That's what he says.

The entire show is worth listening to. But it cannot be embedded here for some reason. Youtube has already cancelled Bongino, so he uses Rumble. If you want to embed, using Rumble's embed code, it doesn't work on blogger anymore. Why? What changed? There are several videos here from Rumble. In an earlier time, Google may be in trouble for anti- competitive monopolistic behavior. But there is no accountability anymore.

So here's the link for as long as Google allows it .

Finally, it should be noted here that there have been more than one instance on this blog that said that these people are at war with this culture. Here's the proof of it. In times past, this was hidden. But now it is in plain sight. Take heed and act accordingly.

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