Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Dick Morris says that Trump indictment now unlikely

Morris: Trump indictment unlikely

Let us hope so. For such an indictment cannot lead to a happy ending. Quite the contrary, in my opinion.

There is a question about what happens next. If the DOJ continues to push this, then it may well be appealed. It is possible that they may win that appeal, which in turn could be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. It would seem that Constitutional issues are at stake here. It is also unprecedented, so that would seem to indicate some type of ruling. There was something said elsewhere about "standing". The use of that seems quite the cop-out in the past, and if it should come to that again, it would be the ultimate cop-out. The integrity of the system is at stake.

Morris does a good job in discussing what the issues were. But there could be more to it than that. This wasn't just a case of super-zealous prosecutorial overreach, it may well be a case of whether or not the people can be expected to govern themselves. Certainly, things have gotten out of control. Sanity has to be restored somehow. There is no balance and thoughtfulness being brought to bear, until this ruling.

People need to step back and think about what they're doing. We have only one home, and this is our home that we're talking about here. Be careful lest you burn it down.

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