Monday, September 5, 2022

It could all be a matter of class snobbery

There's a lot of pearl-clutching over the MAGA Republicans these days. Not only from our good friends on the Democrat side, but some of those who are supposedly on the GOP side.

You know that Brandon knows what side his bread is buttered on. They are made for each other. Like attracts like, and these phony baloneys belong together. Without MAGA though, the GOP Establishment snobs are nowheresville.

They are schmoozing with Brandon these days, but there was a time when they were in bad odor with the lefty brood. There was a time when they wanted to impeach Bush, but it was called off for some strange reason. Seems like they were saying that "Bush lied and people died". The neo-cons and Brandon are tight these days. It has been said that Brandon's red speech was tailored for his "conservative" buddies. But the neo-cons aren't really conservative. They like to pretend as much as Corn Pop does.

The corn was popping pretty good with all the red color coordination going on. It was a hot time in the old town that night. You'd think the place was on fire with all that red shifting taking place. But Brandon was stumbling and bumbling, and was anything but being on fire. It was a grand pretension while it lasted. Kinda like plagiarizing a speech once upon a time.

There's this neo-con called David French, you see. A little research on the dude brings up such acquaintances as the Weakly Standard and the Atlantic. These guys would give Joey a run for his money when it comes to phoney baloney plastic banana neo-con bravo sierra. French plays pretend conservatron, but why would a conservative ever dream of writing for the Atlantic? Only a phoney baloney would do that.

People would prefer the real thing. Democrats won't vote for the Cheney's or the Bush's. But the Cheney's and the Bush's get SOMETHING out of it. Or why do it?

It must be the sense of superiority over the working class that gives them their rush. It gives them some sense of belonging even if their sponsors wouldn't give them the time of day once it mattered. The middle class tends to vote GOP, not Democrat. The country clubbers like to look down on the lower classes with disdain. They think they are better than the people who put them in office. So they say what they have to ( such as "read my lips") in order to fool the hoi-polloi that they so often disdain, but need. Trump comes along and spoils it all for them. Boo-hoo!

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