Friday, September 2, 2022

Biden's speech

No comment since it wasn't really worth watching anyway. The reviews of it are pretty negative. It is pretty much the same junk he's been saying. Nothing new from these people, just the same old lies.

It appears that there may be an attempt to intimidate. Here's the POTUS calling a substantial portion of the country as unacceptable and untrustworthy types. You can resent this, but it isn't worth giving the time of day to.

The Establishment type GOP was the intended target according to some. It would appear so. If the two factions can be split apart, then that makes the job of the Democrats much easier.

But the Establishment GOP needs to understand that the MAGA base is on to their baloney. It isn't going to work this time, if the usual indicators stay the same. The J6 committee didn't change anything. If anything, it has stiffen the spine of at least a few of the wobbly ones.

It may take a pretty stiff spine to withstand what these people will dish out.

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