Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Are you SURE you want this woman to be POTUS?


The scale of the dishonesty in that last post recalls this post.

The question is posed yet again. ARE YOU SURE???

Examples added in quick update:

She said she came in with the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. WRONG.

The worst public health epidemic in centuries. WRONG.

The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. WRONG

I don't even have to look it up. Don't let her waste my time (or yours) chasing down her bullshit.

8/20/24: The sinister tone of this clip is undeniable. Nobody like this should be within one time-zone of the presidency.

Seriously, this is scary shit. It is INTENDED to be scary. This kind of talk is why we have a constitution. Even the King George III of England wouldn't have talked like THIS.

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