Thursday, September 19, 2024

Strategy v tactics

Strategy is long-term. Tactics is near-term.

What is the strategy? What are the tactics?

I'd guess at this, because my "pay grade" cannot identify it. Or maybe it can. The strategy is continual divide-and- conquer. Keep the public divided against itself, because the one thing they fear the most is a united citizenry.

Divide upon race, sex, and class. Divide upon left-right-center. Divide upon gender. Divide upon anything that could be used to divide people.

Once people are divided enough, any election can be stolen.

If it is a landslide, an election cannot be stolen. Hence, ways have to be found to get the people at odds with one another.

Lying is always a strategy. The ruling class is at war with its own people. Therefore, as Sun Tsu would agree, the need for continual subterfuge is obvious.

The ruling class are few. The ruled class is many. In an election, the ruling class cannot afford to have the ruled class united. Whatever it takes in terms of lying is what you'll see. The lying in this cycle seems more than usual, but maybe it is because of greater awareness.

I'd say the main goal is to keep people in the dark. You know, the old mushroom treatment.

Tactics will be dictated upon the needs of the strategy. These could be rather fluid as the situation is ever changing.

If Biden can't fool 'em, then Kamala Harris will. If she can't, then they may need to adjust their tactics.

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