Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Chicago Way

The reason I'm putting this up was a couple lines there at the end.

1) God hates a coward, and

2) Do you know what a blood oath is? Because you just took one.

Another reason is that I don't know if anybody in this country is prepared for what may be coming down the pike, and very soon now. Playing it safe may not be an option.

Post script:

The Biden Administration sure acts like they are helpless in doing anything more than what they are doing in terms of preventing these assassination attempts. As Bongino noted, there's practically no accountability here, and now they are taking victory laps like they did something good, when the truth is that they didn't do a good job.

This is the kind of thing we are facing. An institutional Chicago Way, in which they are willing to DO and SAY ANY DAMNDED THING. Now they want to punish people and JAIL them for merely expressing an adverse opinion to their interests. Well, all good men should answer the call, because our country is at risk from something like that. Playing it safe may not be an option.

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