Sunday, May 26, 2019

Democrats are beaten

Hillary was in Houston recently.  What was reported sounded a lot like the usual words coming from the Democrats these days.  It is the blatant denial of reality that stands out.  The old battlewagon claims to have Trump on the run.  Something is familiar about this story.

It is almost as if she is the reincarnation of Baghdad Bob, who boasted of great victories at the moment the tanks were rolling down Baghdad's streets.

The fact is that they are beaten on the merits.  The only thing that can keep this zombie going is the constant drib and drab of obvious falsehoods.

For instance, the Mueller wants to testify behind closed doors.  But why?  Wasn't the Mueller Report supposed to have been suppressed?  If Barr's suppression was real, then Mueller should want be in front of those cameras, and he would be shouting at the top of his voice in order to get the truth out.  One doesn't whisper behind closed doors that which should disclosed for all to hear.  If you want to be heard, then speak up!  But Mueller wants to keep it all quiet.  The Democrats, who cited Barr for contempt, are all too happy to oblige Mueller.  That logical contradiction doesn't hold up.

The Democrats are complaining that Trump is sending the full power of the state after them.  But why should that disturb them?  It was the Democrats who sent the full power of the state after Trump.  What should they be afraid of, if truth is their friend?  Isn't that what they said about Trump?  Indeed they are afraid, for if it is a fact that Democrats who abused power, then they would be shown to be in the least favorable position to complain about it.  The judgement they showered upon Trump would be redoubled upon themselves.

The Democrats are an empty shell of falsehoods and decrepitude.  That empty shell is starting to show huge cracks from the light of truth, and the warhorses are tired and old.

There is nothing left but the old guard, like Hillary, which holds them up. But the old guard is dying off, while teetering and senile.  The ones waiting in the wings cannot win, and the Establishment knows it.  The only things they got left are falsehood, and a old worn Establishment that is on the verge of dying off.

The Democrats are literally on their last legs.  Evidently, they don't know it yet.

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