Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Obama trying to punk Romney again


Right off the bat, that's my take.  The Redstate piece only says Obama is flip flopping.  But, I think it's time to "man up" and stand up to the guy who wants to be king.  Nobody elected Obama king.  If he doesn't like the equivalent of being called an asshole, then don't act like an asshole, asshole.

Apparently the White House is very upset that Romney didn’t immediately punch this woman in the face and arrest her for sedition.
So there you have it. There is absolutely nothing worse than a man of Governor Romney’s stature staying quiet while awful things are said about his opponent. This is something that Obama would never find himself on the wrong end of. Unless of course when he was exactly on the other end of it just last year.


So there it is.  It's like the wolf and the lamb.  The wolf accuses the lamb of spoiling the water, which he isn't.  The lamb argues his case flawlessly, but it doesn't matter.  The wolf is bigger and badder and will get his way.  That is, unless the lamb isn't really a lamb, but a sheepdog, and proceed to kick the wolf's ass when he gets out of line.

The above is metaphorical, of course.  Not suggesting violence, but just stop being intimidated by these guys, for heaven's sake.  Obama is out of line, not Romney.  It is up to Romney to say forcefully that everyone in this country, including this president, is subject to the rule of law.  Then be prepared to make that stick.  When or if Romney ever starts doing that, then all of the words he says will start to mean something.  Otherwise, the words are just empty.


I recall that Vincent Bugliosi wrote a book about putting Bush on trial for murder.  It seems to me that Obama said something supportive about putting people in the previous administration on trial, but I don't remember him saying anything about Bush.  The point is that he hasn't lived up to the standards that he wants others to live up to.  It is not a good idea to criminalize political disagreements, but that is hardly unique to today's Republicans, and Romney said nothing about putting anyone in the current administration on trial that I can recall.

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