Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why the Right Really Hates Obama

In These Times

The title really says it all.  It is all about hate, it says.  I can't speak for anyone else, but here's what I said on the subject of hate in this blog.  The second part is this business about "right" v "left".  Again, I refer to what I wrote previously on the subject, which I paraphrase here--- it's not about right or left, but about freedom or tyranny.  In other words, it's not about ideology.

I wrote about ideology too, that it can make you stupid.  What's even more shocking and stupid is that those who are conservative claim to be on the right.  This is playing right into the hands of the left.  It is playing on their turf and it is always the loser.  Therefore, just speaking for myself, I am not on the right.  I am on the side of freedom.  If you are conservative, you stop letting the left box you into their ideology.

By the way, calling them left is appropriate because it is their ideology and evidently they believe in it fervently.

Finally, I remember getting into an argument with some guy on Amazon about conservatism.  I would say that this guy may be someone "on the right" as opposed to being someone who favors freedom.  If his idea is the prevailing notion of conservatism in this country, then I am not a conservative.  But what I think is closer to Reagan than some of what I hear from those who claim to admire Reagan.

I think I understand his success better than some of them do.  If these people ever got a clue, Obama wouldn't stand a chance.

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