Sunday, May 6, 2012

GM, a failed investment

Free Republic

If you invested more than $100 in a company, would you be happy if your shares were worth only $36? By anyone’s definition that investment would have been a terrible failure.

But that may win him Michigan.  The people directly affected, meaning the autoworkers, will seen which side their bread is buttered on.  It's the taxpayers who should see how their interests are not being served.  But that is not likely as long as the LSM ( Left Stream Media) is putting out the party line.

Obama may have destroyed any chance that the company could restructure and become profitable again.  Nice going.  By the way, for those who may want to point out that the company is profitable again, take a look at those comments, and take another look at those numbers.  If GM were really profitable, that market cap would be higher, much higher.

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