Friday, May 11, 2012


I've been perusing some videos on Youtube since last night.  It started out with some clips from old TV shows, and now has morphed into cultural stuff in general.

Perhaps anyone reading this may wonder, don't you do anything but stay on the internet?  Not much of anything else.  It is probably not the best thing for me, but that is what I do.  Anyway, the idea is to find stuff to put here up on this here blog.

But there's nothing there that looks like it is what I'd like to put up.  It would be like going off some type of tangent or something.  But maybe not.  On the one hand, I'm looking for something different, yet on the other, I say it is too different and doesn't go with what this blog is about.

But what is this blog about?  Anything like this should be about communication.  So, that brings me up to the current point, which I'm watching a video about British slang.  The funny thing about it is that it is not too different from American slang.  The thing that is most different to me is the pronunciation.   This girl has to say the word more than once before I understand what she is saying.  When I finally understand the word, then there's nothing unusual about the word, just the way that it is pronounced.

But maybe that's me.  She's just a little hard for me to understand, but it isn't the vocabulary.

There are no doubt much to be learned from those overseas, but looking at some of these videos, there's a bit of anti American sentiment out there. I am bit curious about that. Particularly amongst the Europeans. Some of them really do think they are better than we are. As for the American side of this, I feel as though I am a patriot. But that patriotism doesn't give me the need to denigrate anybody from another culture. If you like your culture, why not just say so? You don't have to put down somebody else.


If anyone is interested, the movie My Fair Lady has one of the better motivational speeches that you'd ever want to hear. Professor Higgins has been working hard to impart his expert knowledge of the English language to a poor flower girl. She seems not to be responding, but this speech seems to turn everything around.

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