Monday, October 7, 2024

The Dan Bongino Show: "...Kamala And The Media Are Lying (Ep. 2344) - 10/07/2024"

...and hundreds of people are dying. A bit of a turn of phrase to describe what's really going on.

They care nothing about what they say they care about. They don't give a flip about the people that died during a GOP administration. They were just using the stats (like COVID "deaths") as a way to manipulate people into su pporting them.

Here's a real live situation that nobody can manipulate ( who can conjure up a hurricane? but you CAN conjure up a "pandemic"). They won't budge on this hurricane, but they can sure piss and moan about COVID.

Bongino is talking about Katrina. No. We just had a COVID "pandemic" which might well have been cooked up JUST SO THAT THEY COULD USE IT for politics. They did it with Vietnam, with Iraq, with any friggin' hurricane that came along with a GOP president, and they put up those numbers. Are they doing that NOW???

My point is this: that if they cared so much back then, where the hell are they NOW? Giving money to terrorist regimes??? What the f**k is that?

But the GOP ( as a party ) cannot attack it. The reason? They keep funding this crap. They did it during this last session in Congress. They do nothing. But if somebody runs against the Democrats, they just use the tactic too. The people who should be held accountable cannot be. That's because too many people don't pay attention until this crap is all over us like hot molasses. Also, because these people make it about right versus left. But the "right' does it too. It MUST BE ABOUT SOMETHING. Make it about accountability.

In the post preceding this, there was some Elon Musk bashing. Well, Bongino puts that to rest by having a clip of what Elon Musk said. Also, Bongino said on his show that it's about pictures and sound bites. If you don't have the time, then it is up to us to focus on the pictures and sound bites and get them the hell out there!!!!

The part in the video might be found most quickly around the 36 minute mark. Look for it there. And more, much more. Don't miss the show. It's worth the time.

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