Friday, September 16, 2022

Land of the free home of the brave---no more

Something ominous is arising. Watch closely and see how fear has crept into the national psyche. People are afraid these days. That's with good reason, because the government is turning to intimidation and iron rule, as opposed to the consent of the governed. The government has repudiated its founding documents and traditions.

Brandon is an angry man. He covers it up for the most part, but any challenge to this man is met with a iron fist. Don't be fooled by the talk of senility and dementia. Biden has always been this way. He was not contrite after he got caught plagiarizing in the late eighties. There was a video of him ( link unavailable) in which he showed plainly that he was definitely not sorry. He may have been sorry he got caught, and he had to pay a price for it at that time (1988). But he was not at all sorry for what he had done. This man has not changed at all.

Joe Biden fits the temperament of the modern left. He also resembles one infamous tyrant of years past-- Adolf Hitler. Before anyone starts rolling their eyes, read William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. There was a biographic on Hitler's early days. Hitler had always had tendency to get angry when people disagreed with him. Isn't that the way the modern left acts with greater and greater frequency and intensity? The "snowflakes" feathers get mighty easily ruffled these days. They sure have a hair "trigger".

Shirer's book also shows how the Brownshirts silenced their opposition. Hitler even went to jail over a viscious physical assault of a man so that this man could not make a speech. Hitler was not sorry, he was glad even though he want to jail for it.

Dan Bongino says that the modern left loves this kind of stuff. This is nothing new. The first show that the late Rush Limbaugh gave on TV, he hid behind a blue dot for several minutes. He was illustrating how the conservative movement has ALWAYS had to hide behind that dot, so to speak, by the overbearing and intolerant left. Limbaugh's TV show aired in 1992, thirty years ago. Nothing has changed. If anything, it is worse than ever. The modern left has hijacked the government like the terrorists hijacked the planes on 9/11/01.

Brandon has singed a bill, which will hire 87k new IRS agents. Does anyone really believe that the IRS isn't going to go after their political opposition? The point is to inspire fear in the opposition. No opposition is going to be tolerated henceforth, unless this is changed. The DOJ/FBI is being weaponized against the most prominent opponent in the political sphere for no other reason than he defeated them before, and likely will do so again. There is blatant intimidation of all those who would aid and assist Trump. One would think that this was the former Soviet Union. It so happens that Nazi Germany also outlawed ALL opposition parties. The Nazis also took all guns. All power to the Soviet! Coming to a country near you.

The Loyal Opposition supports gun rights, and supports freedom. Most of them also support the a Loyal Opposition, but not all. Some of them prefer that Trump go away too. Never mind that Trump is the choice of the majority of the GOP. Never mind that the Steele Dossier was fake. Never mind that the FBI hired a prominent man behind that infamous dossier so as to keep him quiet. At least Nixon paid "hush money" with private funds, not taxpayer funds. The government has been weaponized against the opposition. The Loyal Opposition is now a bunch of fascists, says Brandon.

We are told that this is a democracy. If it is a democracy, then why do the Democrats want to end the Loyal Opposition? At the current time, there is no democracy, no freedom, nor a rule of law. It is for good reason that the Democrats would kneel when the National Anthem is played at stadiums across the country. They are at war with the very idea of freedom and self-government. They prefer the iron hand of oppression driven by fear. Land of the free and home of the brave no more. A new day has dawned, but it will be a nightmare of which there will be no end save a miracle.

Rasmussen's polls show Brandon's polls are steady. After a speech like THAT? What has happened to this country?

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