Monday, September 12, 2022

If you want to be fair and balanced, then there has to be the other side to the story


With respect to propaganda, you know when you have it when you get only one side of the story.

With respect to the FBI raid on Trump, the DOJ wants to wage a propaganda war on Trump with their use of leaks. They want to convict Trump in the court of public opinion. But it isn't an open court, with the right to confront witnesses, as per the Bill of Rights.

The DOJ is leaking to the media in a way in which Trump cannot respond. This is an abuse of the process that is supposed in accordance to the Bill of Rights (THE LAW), in which the accused has rights. This is also the history of a politicized DOJ that DIDN'T start when Trump came on the scene. This has been building steadily in the culture for a long, long time. Rush Limbaugh got his start in accordance with this same principle--Limbaugh said that "I am equal time". We needed it then, and we need it now.

In a real court room, you have witnesses for both sides-- the prosecution and the defense. They are allowed to cross examine the witnesses before a group of impartial jurors. At least in theory. When the system works as it is supposed to, truth has a chance. That's because both sides can present their cases by a set of rules that can eliminate as much as possible the contentions that each will make that may not be true. Hopefully, a competent and fair jury will be selected, and will make a good decision in keeping with the law and the facts. Since it is an adversarial process, each side will do it very best to win. There needs to be a fair judge who rule in accordance with law so that justice can be served. Again, if the system works, the truth of the matter can be determined as far as it is possible with fallible human beings, and the best judgements can be made.

You don't get that when the DOJ insists upon secrecy, and at the same time, they leak to the media. This is not a fair and balanced approach, nor is it intended to be. Not only that, it isn't in keeping with traditions and law. So much for the "rule of law", and "democracy". These terms are "glittering generalities", a hallmark of propaganda. A citizenry that doesn't want to listen is going to be doomed to a totalitarian dicatorship, because that is how dictators act. In a real democracy, you'll have to have some semblence of balance, justice, and fairness. If you don't, well, you're fake democracy will resemble the Soviet Union and Red China more that the what used to be the case in the "good 'ol USA".

Here's a propaganda place for you here. It is necessary though, to balance the propaganda flowing in the opposite direction. The way you "fact check" is to present your viewpoints. You don't get an authority laying down the law and their viewpoints on you, which is so often the case these days. The link follows: The United spot

Finally on this subject, I'm going to mention something that can be seen on wikipedia on the subject of propaganda. That is this: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE FALSE. It can be true and right as rain as far as it goes, but it is totally one-sided. This is what you call "card stacking". The current regime is totally into that with their double impeachements, star chambers, the gulag for the J6th political prisoners, and the J6th committee itself. You get the Democrat media machine kicking in, and you've got your "submissive void". This is what the totalitarians want. The question before us should be whether or not we really want this for our country. A submissive void cannot be trusted to make that determination because it is in thrall to this totalitarian dynamic.

As it has been said, "he who has an ear, let him hear."

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