Monday, May 31, 2021

GOP must be reformed

Gov. Ducey of Arizona has vetoed an election integrity bill. Polls have shown support for election integrity, so Ducey isn't following that. What is he following then? Probably MONEY.

Somehow or another, these corrupt politicians are going to have to be removed. The system as it is does not do the job. Perhaps he hasn't noticed that his neighbor is Collyfornia is under fire.

But the whole point of opposing election integrity is to maintain the corrupt politicians in office.

Gavin Newscome in Californicatia is likely to remain then. Even if he removed, someone better is not likely to replace him. The system there is probably as bad as it gets.

The usual channels for accountability are being blocked. The situation on the ground is likely to get worse. What reason is there for it to get better?

There's a lot of "hope" for the GOP, but Ducey's veto is not encouraging. The clock is ticking and there's not much happening. That which is happening is being swept away just like this election integrity bill. It's happening even though they are supposed to be opposing the Democrats, not helping them. Something's got to change.

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