Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Gold-bricking on a globalist scale


Yesterday's post gave me the idea for this one. The link mentioned in it involved a tweet of Jeffery Goldberg, who was claiming to represent "free enterprise". Of course, it did no such thing, but the Goldberg's argument may be persuasive to many people.

His name is part of the idea. "Gold" as in Goldberg or Gold-bricking, is pertinent to what is going on here. He's making what appears to be an All-American Free-Enterprise liberty-loving appeal, but it is nothing of the sort. Goldbricking is the same kind of thing. The con substitutes a base metal, like tungsten, and plates gold on top of it. The idea is to fool people into accepting it as real gold.

But it is not real gold. It is a fake gold brick. The intention is one of a con-artist, to swindle you out of something. Likewise, Goldberg's argument is a swindle. It argues in favor of all those things we still recognize as good, and substitutes the base metal of socialism in its place. The idea is to keep you quiet and accepting of the swindle that is coming down the pike.

The people are being swindled out of their freedom. The Goldbricking Goldberg's on the so-called conservative side are helping the left swindle us out of our heritage. At some point, the switcheroo will occur, and what was once considered good will be considered bad, and vice versa. The con will have been successful.

Unless we wise up to it first. For some reason, the globalist and the trans-natonal socialists are teaming up to overthrow our Constitution in the same way that was done in Weimar Germany.

If history repeats itself, a massive inflation will come first. Then a strong man will arrive and begin a Holocaust.

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