Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Conservative Inc goes after DeSantis

Yeah, it is a distinction without a difference. An argument for vaccine passports is like having the corporations to do the government's dirty work. Saying that it is "free enterprise" is the distinction without the difference. What's the diff if the government did vaccine passports? Corporations become a branch of the government.

So Florida Governor DeSantis does the opposite, and the "Conservative, Inc." chorus jumps into action in support of vaccine passports. But they want to chime in that it is free enterprise. Phooey.

There are concepts called "de jure", meaning "by law" and de facto, which means whats it looks like. If you support corporations doing the work of governments, then it is de facto vaccine passports. "Conservative Inc." is wrong to say that it is free enterprise. They claim "de jure" even though it isn't any difference than having the government doing the dirty work themselves. The "facts on the ground" tell you what is really going on.

It just so happens that Twitter, Facebook and the rest of Big Tech are doing the bidding of those who want to shut down the First Amendment in this country. According to the link , they weren't opposed to the lockdowns, and they probably aren't big fans of the First Amendment either, because they are just sucking up the left. Trying to confuse people with symbolic emptiness is just a sham.

Conservative Inc isn't conservative. If you want freedom, then by golly act like it. Otherwise, you are just playing word games.

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