Saturday, November 30, 2019

Something rotten in Denmark, or is it Ukraine?



Crowdstrike was founded by a Soviet-born individual who became a naturalized US Citizen.  It has links to the Atlantic Council, which in turn has links to Burisma.  Hunter Biden served on Bursima's board.  In short, he is definitely fair game.

As I have written before, there is a big problem with how the alleged hacks have been deemed as evidence.  You have to inspect the original servers.  Otherwise, the "evidence" as such, is totally worthless.

There never should have been a Mueller investigation based upon this.


8:14 pm:

The below Ukrainian reference appears to be incorrect.  Somebody has been smoking something.

False information is not helpful.  I don't like being the vector of it.

People need to get their shit together.

10:30 am:

Crowdstrike is Ukrainian owned.  I may have heard that before, but somehow the significance of that didn't register.  Why Ukrainian?  Why not American?

Somebody must have put something in the lemonade to cause me to miss that one.

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