Monday, November 25, 2019

Obligatory, 11.25.19

Nothing in the news seems interesting enough for me to comment upon.  But a phrase came to me, almost as if out of the blue.  "Don't cast your pearls before swine." 

So, I googled the phrase, and the discussion seemed uncertain about what it really means.  It seems pretty straightforward to me.  Pearls are valuable and swine are not.  Not exactly a fair exchange.  So maybe you want to be a little more careful about what you do with your valuables, hmmm?

You could spend a lot of time contemplating the meaning of that, but you already know what it means.  It really isn't that hard.

I don't want to make things harder than they really are.  Make it simple and easy.

But if everything is easy, why ain't I rich?

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