Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Debate in Philadelphia


7:44 PM

This is the verdict of the so-called debate.

7:23 PM

Only one question ( or comment ). Is ABC lying about abortion? Victory Girls think so.

1:09 PM

I'm checking out the reactions to the debate from others, as opposed to actually watching it myself.

Whoa! Sounds like I'm checking my brain in at the door, eh? Nope... Doesn't really matter what I think about it. Besides, it doesn't change my mind in the least. I'm curious about what others think about it. Besides, it confirms what I suspected about it from the beginning. Nothing here to suggest that it was other than what I thought it would be. Just another highly scripted fake media event intended to make Kamala Harris look as good as she can be made to look. This is about as good as it will get for her. Time will tell if it is enough.

Tonight's Debate Will Backfire Horribly For Both Kamala Harris And ABC by Quoth the Raven

Enjoy the visceral response today, Democrats. Tomorrow, the critical thinking begins.

Read on Substack

7:14 AM Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Debate in Philadelphia

Missed the debate (on purpose). These aren't debates. They are media events, mostly contrived to help Democrats. From the description, that is what happened last night. We'll probably have to wait to see who "won". If the public buys into what the media keeps pushing, then Harris probably can be said to have won.

In a real debate, she would have been in serious trouble. That's why I didn't bother watching it. It's a fake debate. It was always going to be a fake debate. Even the debate with Biden was fake, because there was nothing they could do to keep Biden afloat.

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