Thursday, September 12, 2024

My own impression of the debate.

I watched the Harris-Trump debate just now. That is, I watched it up to the commercial break before breaking off and writing this. A quick comment here. Trump did fine. Harris did okay (for her). I don't get the criticism of Trump, but I do get that Harris was typically dishonest. The moderators didn't have that big of an effect because Trump can handle himself. If you have to depend upon moderators, it must mean you're weak. Harris, if she were strong, would have no trouble with Fox moderators. I don't know if I'll watch the rest of it. Maybe later.

Updated a few hours later...

After reviewing the transcript, I can at least say that I've seen it myself. There's a number of those on Trump's side that expressed discontent with his performance. I thought he did great, but it may not be enough by itself.

Perhaps one thing should be emphasized. Kamala Harris is the type who will say whatever she thinks you want to hear. Trump is what he is. You know what you're getting with either one, if your eyes are open. But certain people I suspect would prefer to be lied to. I think those that vote for Trump expect to get what he promises. Harris is not as sure a bet.

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