Monday, September 9, 2024

A long running theme of this blog

Here's a tweet about how Robert Reich wanting to shut down SpaceX. For what? For disagreeing with him?

Musk isn't the one who's crazy. Musk isn't out of control. It's the government. The government stands in the way of actual material progress. Instead they pitch the most reactionary of ideas of massive controls over people, something that should be obsolete, but has now reared its ugly head once again in human affairs.

Freedom won in 1776 was a radical new concept at the time. Perhaps it should not be trashed just because a few reactionaries who want their tyranny back, and are having a temper tantrum.

I used to write a turn of phrase about it. I wrote "Houston, we have a solution". Actually, I think we've got a problem. We are relying too much upon government and machines to do what we should do for ourselves. Solutions aren't possible if some government officials are going to stand in the way for the sake of their own sense of importance and relevance. The only real relevance here is whether or not the public is going to say enough already, and vote the bums out. That is, if the government hasn't destroyed that possibility too.

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