Tuesday, August 27, 2024

This blog isn't about getting pageviews

That almost sounds ridiculous. If you aren't after pageviews, then what's the point?

Awhile back, I alluded to why I seem to be doing this blog, even though there's no payoff. But there's got to be a payoff, right?

I'd be a liar if I were to say that fame and fortune doesn't matter to me. It's like somebody saying they don't do it for the money, but if a lot of money became available, would they turn it down? No.

But that doesn't mean I'd sell out for money. Only that I'd take fame and fortune if that was my portion. If it is not to be, then what other reason would there be to do this?

I would really like things to be going well when I pass to the hereafter. It isn't good to leave things worse than you found them. However, there is a limited amount that any one person can do.

So I'm just trying to say what's on my mind, and have the hope that it might register somewhere. If it doesn't, then I don't have to feel badly about not trying. I can truthfully say that I tried. And besides, it DOES matter for me. I do mean it.

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