Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A pretty good point

Kamala Harris' strategy is to say nothing. So, if anything comes up from her past gets mentioned somewhere, the campaign says that she no longer has that opinion. But get this: It is never said by Kamala Harris personally, it is from her campaign.

She can get away with saying that she never reversed herself because she really isn't saying anything NOW. She is letting others say it for her that she never says herself. Later she can say that she never changed her mind. You get the crazy stuff and not the stuff that she pretends to support today.

Very important point here. Seen on The Dan Bongino Show today.

It really is a dishonest way of being. Don't be fooled. Unless she says it herself, then don't accept what subordinates say. She has to say it herself. Otherwise, she come back later and say that she never said it.

If you let her get away with it, she will be right. NOW is the time to get her to talk. The lack of talking has a definite strategy behind it. The strategy is to fool the public.

Quick update: Good to see that people are catching on.

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