Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Sharing a thought here about elections gone by

In 1980, I was considerably younger. I only mention that because of my age. I was old enough to vote back then, so there. That'll date me.

Anyway, the thing I recall most vividly about that election was the fact that it was over almost as soon as they started counting the votes.

It was over so fast that Jimmy Carter conceded even before the polls closed in the Western Time Zones. This was harmful to the Democrats who were down the ballot in those areas. Carter was criticized severely for it. He cost them some races.

What made it so memorable was that it was supposed to be close. That it wasn't close was a BIG SURPRISE to me. I think it is one of the many things I learned about the media over the years. You cannot trust what they say. If it was so close, then why was it over so fast? Obviously, the media was wrong. The polls were wrong.

By the way, as I have mentioned before, I didn't even vote for Reagan.

The media these days are far more open about their partisanship. So if they trot out polls claiming this or that about anything, I take it all with a grain of salt.

Kamala Harris cannot win the way she is going. The effort to make this look close has me quite skeptical. In reality, there's no way this should anywhere near being close. The only way this could be close is if the Democrats cheat big time. That to me is quite believable. But being close in reality, hell no.

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