Friday, July 5, 2024

The Regime Media has been lying. So what else is new?

The question is, do enough people give a shit enough to do something about it? You hear a lot of bitching, but not much else. None of this is really new, just like the article says. The thing that is new is that there is an opportunity to do something, but the window is closing as far as actually being able to do something without a civil war. You can fight back in a number of ways...

One of them I saw this morning. You can stop banking and/or doing business with the people who are responsible for this. I've been trying, but it is easier said than done. This bank is one in which I'd like to check out. I'll give 'em a plug. I don't have an account there. Probably better not to disclose that kind of information in a place like this anyway. But I'm trying to help in this way. It may not be the best, but that is an example of what you all can do. Here you go, then. Get moving.

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