Saturday, July 6, 2024

A short blurb on the Biden interview on ABC

For awhile now, I've had some misgivings about overplaying this Biden is senile angle. Of course he's impaired. But he is so much more than that. There is substantial problems with what he said OUTSIDE of the obvious malaprops, bad grammar, and yes senility. He is a very bad man.

All of the criticism of his weaknesses may have help him in the long run.

People should focus on the substance of what he is saying. Also on the obvious untruths. Some pundits are doing this. That's good, but some may be losing focus on the substance. Democrats are very good at obfuscation. Beware of that. For example, Biden didn't stop Putin. He claims he did, but he didn't. He didn't beat Big Pharma. He made them substantially richer. He didn't get a cognitive test, but he sure makes it sound like he did. He tries to claim control of the border, but that's just not so. If he had control, then why are there the problems?

He was definitely behind the politically motivated criminal charges against Trump. Remember the third leading guy in the DOJ helping out the with Manhattan Trial? Biden has his fingerprints on that and more. Smith is trying to prosecute as a special prosecutor, but he has no authority to do so. He wasn't properly appointed. Rule of law? Bah! He won't release the transcript of his interview with Hur, which would show that he would be convicted in a court of law if he wasn't old and "well-meaning". If Biden is really "well-meaning", then why are there so many bad problems right now? Many of these problems are within his ability to have mitigated, but he has done otherwise. The war in Ukraine is definitely one of those. Ukraine is his cocaine addled son's ATM machine.

Biden is guilty of influence peddling and may well be guilty of treason. He has sold out this country. He is protecting terrorists and their sympathizers by making them a protected class.

Nobody should forget these things while they focus on his obvious personal failings.

He is not worthy of support in any universe except the one that one may inhabit if they share his addled views. That's not good enough. We should be able to do better, but how can we if we won't hold him accountable? He has the most amazing ability to con his way out of his difficulties, and he may be doing it again. Never underestimate the power of stupid. It is clear that to keep this man in power is unforgivably stupid considering his condition. But even despite that, his policies and his total lack of character make him singularly unfit to be POTUS. To let them obfuscate that over all his other failures is worst stupidity of them all. Ignorance may be an excuse, but stupidity is terminal.

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