Saturday, July 6, 2024

Rats are running wild

Did you ever get the feeling that things simply cannot be true? One of those things is that the Rasmussen President Approval Tracking Poll has Biden about 43%. That never has made much sense to me. Why would Rasmussen also show Track of Country polls consistently in the red when their presidential tracking poll doesn't move much? How is this even possible? There has to be an explanation.

Likewise the voting patterns. Why would people return Biden to office when he is such a bad president? There's gotta be an explanation. Why would the poll not move when he is obviously mentally impaired? You get reasonably intelligent people saying very questionable things, like the things that certain officials like Supreme Court Justices say. There is no reasonable foundation for such a thing to be said, but there it is. It should not be, but there it is.

Then you have the 2020 election with all the funny business that went on. Polling places stopping counting and so forth. Then you have GOP types who won't lift a finger about it. Not to mention those who actually help the Democrat obstruct any investigation. A Supreme Court that refuses to get involved. None of this made any sense to me. But there's got to be an explanation.

So I find the following. A way to find the corruption may be at hand. Let us hope so. This debate aftermath doesn't make sense, and the poll numbers don't make sense, and the phony hysterics of Democrats don't make sense, unless it is part of a plan. All of it is, I suspect. In short, I smell a rat. A whole damned bunch of them!!!

How To Win 2024 - Watch This! by Omega4America

Want to see action, not the BS of RNC hiring lawyers - check this out!

Read on Substack

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