Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Right wing "blindspot"?


Coverup commission? It does seem that way from this post. But why in the world would the Administration need to cover up anything? /sarc


Ooh! That comforts me so much that now the government is now going to take this over and fix it. But why was it broken?

Ground News called this story a "blindspot" for the "right"... Well, there's that. If it weren't for that I wouldn't be posting this, yet...

Blindspot my eye! How's do these degenerate wastrels in the media get to preach to us about "blindspots"? They supposedly didn't know Biden's brain has been on deep fried mode for a long time now? Biden gives a 3 minute speech about unity. Bah! How about that for a blindspot? Are we back to the Biden-is-senile deep fake narrative? Before they're through massaging this into something that the dummies will fall for, they'll have Biden cast as a hero uniting America in a crisis. Uh, not for me. Not much has changed here. Same people, same kind of thinking, and there'll be the same kind of actions going forward.

Ground News is pulling our legs just a bit. There I said it. Anybody who thinks this is a accomplished way to get a "balanced job of reporting" must be the amongst the same dupes who supposedly got fooled by the senile POTUS, and his gang of lefty moonbats. DEI meant DIE this time. Next time? Why should be a "next time"?

More crock and bull from the crock and bull brigade. Borrowing a phrase from the Gipper-- "There they go again!" As he also said, "the scariest words known are these --- "we are the government, and we're here to help"". Yeah, that's what's worrying me.

Here's a couple of other stories out there. Perhaps Ground News could explain what these mean?

Police officers confronted assassin

Here's a tweet about the incident at the moment of crisis

Some unusual behavior on video right behind Trump at the moment of the assassination attempt

A man crosses himself just before the shots rang out. Then he disappears suddenly. This looks suspicious. Don't know how this is CIA... But it does look suspicious.

Biden is caught in a logic trap. A lot of information is at risk of getting memory-holed, and soon. I'm sure that the Brandon and his media flying monkeys are up to the job...

This post was long in the making. I wanted to get the lay of the land, so to speak. Trump literally dodged this bullet. But this isn't over yet... The Dems have they asses deep into the doo-doo on this one. It will take great courage for them to pull themselves out of it. This is a very bad and dangerous situation. They're not the type with the qualities mentioned, but of the opposite kind. Hopefully, I'm wrong. The best policy may be to prepare for the worst.

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