Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A propaganda offensive has begun

Part of it may include "useful idiots" spouting a lot of nonsense, like this here.

Former Speaker McCarthy should not be appearing on leftist propaganda outlets and giving them talking points. Besides that, he is following the Marxist paradigm when he refers to moderates and so forth.

When is factual evidence a basis for "moderation"? This is a nonsensical argument. If Kamala Harris is essential a puppet of some larger entity, then why is it wrong to point that out? It is therefore a good thing McCarthy was removed as Speaker. His thinking is flawed. There needs to be the kind of leadership that Ronald Reagan once provided. It's not about right v left. It is about freedom v totalitarianism. That's what Reagan said. Not this rigmarole about "moderation". Let's not check our brains in at the door, as the left wants us to do.

If the GOP allows these "Judas Goats" to influence what we are allowed to say in opposition to the left, then he will have succeeded in helping the left control the debate along lines that they would prefer. DEI is definitely at issue here. It is fair to mention it because of what happened with Biden. The left kept Biden's conditions hidden, and they will do the same with Kamala Harris' shortcomings as a leader.

Besides, Kamala Harris really is a dummy. Look at this.

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