Friday, July 26, 2024

Netanyahu's speech in Congress

Again, I'd like to show an example of the Marxist Paradigm-- the Left-Right-Center political spectrum model. The authors is supposedly in the middle, and argues in favor of the side that wants peace now. The sympathy is being played for all its worth, and one can really feel for those who have been suffering due to this war. Furthermore, those who wish to continue the war until full victory is obtained, are labelled as "far right".

Was FDR "far right" for wanting to continue WWII until unconditional surrender over the Nazis? If one side is losing rather badly, it is an advantage to want to get the winning side to stand down. Isn't that why Hamas took hostages? While one can feel sympathy over the very real human suffering, one cannot forget how this war began in the first place. The best outcome is to win victory so that this never happens again. But, as we can see, some folks want to play with the heart strings of the people who have suffered in this war. Therefore, it makes a difference in terms of final outcome as to the policy, it doesn't make a difference in the politics. If Israel stops now, Hamas can regroup and do it again. The same thing might have happened in WWII, if the war was stopped before final victory as Hitler could have regrouped and attacked again. As one can see, it has nothing to do with the Marxist model as claimed. It has everything to do with kind of final outcome that is desired.

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