Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tribalist Marxists are just troublemakers


Marxism cannot exist without trouble. If there isn't any, they'll just stir it up.

At the heart of Marxism is class conflict. Tribalism is just another word for "class". It's always an us-vs.-them project with the Marxists. Hence, they are always raising hell with everybody and everything that's not "us".

A Marxist might just take the opposite view of anything under the sun so that they can make trouble. Recall the veep Horizontal Harris' refusal to get a jab when it was one of Trump's projects. Once Horizontal Harris got into power, it wasn't Trump's anymore, it was "hers". Now the Marxists want to push it all on the rest of society-typical Marxist crap.

As for me, I have been consistently against it. It is experimental. It isn't an us-vs-them project for me. I won't take the jab because it messes with your DNA. It isn't a "vaccine", it is gene-therapy. Gene-therapy for what? Have they ever proved COVID's existence? Based upon what Rappoport says, the CDC admits that they never really even isolated the alleged virus. Also, influenza disappeared. How did that happen? Maybe it didn't. Maybe it is just another version of the usual influenza that is being rebranded for the usual Marxist troublemaking.

But the Marxists insist upon your compliance. They aren't interested in the merits of the proposed subject, just the opportunity to raise hell with the rest of us.

If you oppose them, it just seems to stimulate their fighting instincts. But you cannot give in to them, because that only gratifies them. They'll be pissed, but they are always pissed anyway. If you aren't pissed, you aren't a good Marxist.

It's a recipe for constant societal warfare. Just what Marxism is all about.

That's in contrast with the usual mindset of people. They just want to go about their business, and be left alone. They want to produce and create. This just pisses the Marxists off all the more, because they know deep inside that they aren't worth a damn. It gives them purpose to go about raising hell with everybody because it makes them feel worthwhile.

The price of liberty is truly eternal vigilance against these troublemakers. The problem is that most people would just as soon give in.

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