Thursday, July 8, 2021

The New Haters

This business about being against hate only goes one way. For example, you can't hate colored folks. But it is okay to hate whitey. You cannot hate homos, but you can hate straights. You cannot hate Mohammedens, but you can hate Christians. And so on.

The Wicked Witch of the West Coast says she doesn't hate anyone. But her actions speak louder than her words. That's why a reporter asked if she hated Trump. She hasn't gone all out on the hate yet, but at least she pays lip service to being against it. Or is it just another way to LIE?

The Democrats don't hate lies, but they sure like to claim to hate when other people do. Kind of like what Fat Bastard said in one of the Austin Powers movies--"Everyone likes their own brand". He was wafting his own stench towards his nose when he said this. Yep, the Democrats like their own brand, but hate everybody else's.

They were okay will Bill Clinton's lies. They said "everybody does it". But let anybody say something they don't like, they claim to hate "lies". It is not so much that they are for the truth, but they are against whatever they don't like. If lying is about what they like, which are lies themselves, then they've got nothing against it. They don't hate lies per se, they just hate what they claim is your lies. Actually, it is those who aren't like them as the ones they hate.

It's kinda like Animal Farm too, which says everybody's equal, but some are more equal than others. Hating isn't so bad for the Democrats, they just think you cannot hate THEM. Even if they are evil as sin. Their hate is more equal than yours.

If hating is bad per se, then why don't they practice what they preach?

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