Monday, October 7, 2019

What does "carefully worded" mean?


Daily Update

5:15 pm:

I wrote that the below is a "subpoena".  No, it is not a subpoena even if it was.  No, it was a "news article" that writes about a "subpoena" which isn't a subpoena.

Phew!  There's enough misinformation out there.  I don't want to add to it, but at least attempt to subtract from it.

My apologies.  Just wanted to hurry it up and get done with it because of "multi--tasking".

If I were AOC, I'd say it was okay because facts aren't important.  She thinks "justice" is, but where is justice without the facts?

Call everything by their right names, and at least we get that part right.

4:43 pm:

The "subpoena" isn't a subpoena.  Let's look at this "subpoena".

It isn't a House of Representatives impeachment inquiry.  No, no, no.  It is a Democrat caucus fishing expedition dressed up as a House impeachment inquiry.  It doesn't even have to be a majority of the Democrats, because we don't know who voted for it in their caucus.  It isn't an open process.  

Even if it were, they are still making it up as they go along, as Sundance points out in his article that the tweet links to.  They have to count on a lot of people to close their eyes to what is really going on here, while they lie their asses off.

It is only "carefully worded" to appear legal when it is highly irregular and definitely crooked.

In other words, carefully worded to lie more effectively.

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