Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Star Chamber



Here's a liberal v. a conservative slugging it out, so to speak.  At first, it just seemed like a devil's advocacy argument from the liberal.  But then I noticed that the guy is from a liberal group, and so it really was a serious attempt at an argument. (Moments later: a google search indicates that he is from Scrappleface, which is a conservative site.  At the moment, I am perplexed.  He pulled off a convincing performance.  Fooled me, anyway. )

Note once again the secrecy being actively sought out.  This is Star Chamber advocacy.  What these people are advocating is seditious, and ought to be called out as such.  It is "wildly" improper, and any lawmaker who advocates such a thing is "wildly unfit" themselves.  That would be Nancy Pelosi and company.

In such a case, a stern warning should be sounded that this is seditious and cannot be tolerated.

But will that happen?  Anything is possible, but if Trump did arrest members of Congress, they just might try something like this.


8:45 pm:

CTH summarizes the Big Picture.   Whatever you want to call it, it is outside the boundaries of our law and tradition.  I call it Star Chamber.  The president calls it Kangaroo Court.  It is not legal, and it is not right, and it should fail miserably.

The only way this works is if the public has collectively taken a Stupid Pill.  Nobody should want to live in a country in which anybody can be hauled before this kind of court, and have all rights taken away from them.  You have to be ten kinds of fool to want something like this to prevail.

1:25 pm:

Star chamber stuff.

and this...

10:45 am:

Bernie boy, if you believed in the CONUS yourself, you'd be wearing a MAGA cap.  Either Bernie is liar, or he doesn't have a clue.  Either way, it's bad.  By the way, aren't these lefties the ones who keep saying that the CONUS is out of date?  What Bernie should be saying is why the CONUS should be replaced, that is if Bernie was on the level.  The lefties love the CONUS when it suits them, and hate it when it doesn't.

10:00 am:

The criminal leaker wants to testify in secret for the Soviet-style star chamber.  All of this in the name of justice and freedom.   Add to this bizarre story their favorite claim about defending the "rule of law" and "democracy".   It's all a fake-out if Huber is right.  

Also if true, the Democrats are aiding and abetting a felon.  But that is nothing new for them.

You have to have an IQ of a toadstool to believe this garbage from the Dems.  

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