Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The defenders of CONUS should try reading it


1:05 pm:

By the same logic, if the POTUS were to arrest his accusers, that would put a stop to this circus.  If the Dems want to vote on impeachment, they have that power.  But these people should use the correct words.  It isn't an impeachment inquiry.  It isn't precedented either, nor well within the boundaries of the law.  Such action now, based upon lawless testimony, is completely arbitrary and partisan.  

POTUS is well within in the law, the House Dems with their Star Chamber are outside the norms, as well as the law.

11:30 am:

What if the situation were to be reversed?  Members of Congress are privileged from arrest, but not in all cases.  See Article I, Section 6--- "Treason, felony, or breach of peace".  There is ample evidence for probable cause for crimes to have been committed and members of Congress have their fingerprints are all over it. 

Rep Tlaib and her cohorts would scream bloody murder if Trump were found to be looking for ways to arrest members of Congress.  Perhaps she should consider the possibility that this can cut both ways.

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